July 11, 2017
LNG Futures Chief Investigator Associate Professor Zach Aman has been awarded the prestigious Donald W. Davidson Award. The award was presented at the 9th International Conference of Gas Hydrates (ICGH9) held in Denver, Colorado in June this year.
The award recognises outstanding contributions to scientific research in the field of gas hydrates and is in honour of the late Don Davidson of the National Research Council of Canada. Zach’s significant industry support and quality research portfolio stood out in a very competitive field.
The conference itself was a significant event for LNG Futures and the Fluid Science and Resources research group at UWA. Eighteen researchers attended the week-long conference and presented their Australia-relevant hydrate research to an international audience.

LNG Futures researchers at ICGH9

PhD Student Kwanghee Jeong presenting his research at ICGH9

PhD Student Vincent Lim presenting his research at ICGH9

PhD Student Angus MacKenzie presenting his research at ICGH9

PhD Student Temi Kuteyi presenting her research at ICGH9

A/Prof. Zach Aman presenting at ICGH9

PhD Student tom Charlton presenting his research at ICGH9