Article nominated for award

November 16, 2017

The article “Microscale detection of hydrate blockage onset in high-pressure gas-water systems” by Eric May, Zach Aman, Masoumeh Akhfash, and collaborators at Colorado School of Mines has been nominated for Energy and Fuels Joint Award for Excellence in Publication in 2018. The article applies in-situ particle tracking probes to provide new insight into the evolution of gas hydrate particles in water-gas systems.

The award will be presented at a symposium featuring the winning article at the 2018 ACS Fall National Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, August 19-23, 2018. The authors of the winning article will receive an award plaque, US$3000 honorarium and US$1500 funding to attend the 2018 ACS Fall National Meeting.

View the article at DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b00171.

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