Flow Loop Modifications for New Joint Industry Project

June 15, 2017

UWA PhD Students at the 8th Flow Assurance Workshop held 1st June 2017

The 8th UWA Flow Assurance Industry Workshop was held at the Australian Resources Research Centre, ARRC in Kensington on Thursday the 1st of June 2017.  The event was attended by over 30 Industry Participants and organised by the Flow Assurance Research Group within the Fluid Science and Resources Division (and Training Centre for LNG Futures) at UWA.

PhD students presented recent developments of their research which are described by two key themes which have been updated for 2017,

  1. Assessing the Risk of Hydrate Blockage in Long-Distance Hydrocarbon Flowlines; and
  2. Developing Novel Management Methods to Control Hydrate Formation.

First held in 2013 those who have attended the workshops regularly have tracked progress and research of the Flow Assurance group which is now the largest Flow Assurance Research Group in the Asia-Pacific region and one of the largest in the world.  A key aspect of the group’s research is on challenges and conditions unique to gas fields in Western Australia.

Installation of a Jumper

In opening remarks, LNG Futures Chief Investigator A/Prof Zach Aman announced the commencement of a Joint Industry Project involving modifications of the CSIRO-UWA operated Flow Loop located at ARRC.   The modifications include the installation of a 2”diameter, 4 m high “jumper” to allow the study of flow assurance and hydrate issues in subsea piping configurations.  Jumpers are a short pipe used to connect a flowline to a subsea structure or two subsea structures located close to one another.  The JIP includes industry partners Woodside, Chevron, and Total.

Presentation material from the workshop can be found here.  The next Flow Assurance Workshop is planned for the second half of 2017 – register your interest here.

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