PhD Candidate
Flow Assurance
Angus is a UWA graduate of the Masters of Professional Engineering program. His PhD research project has focused on studying solid-liquid interfacial phenomena in multiphase flow systems, using an experimental technique known as the Micromechanical Force measurement. He is currently working with Woodside and CSIRO to develop environmentally compatible anti-agglomerant chemistries for hydrate aggregation in subsea oil and gas tiebacks.
As the technique is applicable to solid-fluid interfacial science in other fields, a major portion of his research focus resides in the cardiovascular space – where little is known about the interaction between thromboembolic solids. Angus is currently investigating how surface-active chemistries (pharmaceutical, naturally-derived blood components) interact at the clot-liquid interface – results of which are also a practical input in computational fluid dynamics to simulate the trajectory and fate of thromboemboli.
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