CO2 and Enhanced Recovery Research

Western Australia will soon be the world-leader in the geo-sequestration of carbon dioxide. Both the Gorgon project and the South West CCS Hub will store several million tonnes per annum of carbon dioxide in saline aquifers. Two of the most important but least understood mechanisms by which carbon dioxide remains trapped in these aquifers are known as residual trapping and solution trapping. Residual trapping relies on capillary forces to immobilize carbon dioxide “droplets” within the porous rock containing the aquifer.

Research in the Fluid Sciences and Resources Laboratory is conducted to enable better prediction of the extent of these two trapping mechanisms exploiting simple NMR characterization of rock cores extracted from suitable reservoirs.

Western Australia has several major offshore gas assets containing significant quantities of carbon dioxide. Scenarios for dealing with this carbon dioxide must be developed before these gas fields can be developed. One scenario involves the re-injection of carbon dioxide produced from one reservoir into the extremities of a different natural reservoir for the purpose of both carbon dioxide disposal and enhanced gas recovery. However, such a strategy is only viable if the probability of breakthrough by the re-injected carbon dioxide to the producing wells is small and the contaminated gas mixing zone remains small over the life of the asset. Simulating reliably this novel reservoir production scenario requires an improvement in our fundamental understanding of the hydrodynamic behaviour of supercritical CO2 in heterogeneous gas and water-saturated rock.

Our laboratory conducts carbon dioxide core-flooding experiments, which provide key input parameters for the field-scale simulations of enhanced gas recovery we are undertaking. The data and models are used to determine the dispersion of carbon dioxide as a function of pressure, temperature, rock heterogeneity and saturation.




Reliable prediction of aqueous dew points in CO2 pipelines and new approaches for control during shut-in

D. Rowland, J.A. Boxall, T.J. Hughes, S.Z. Al Ghafri, F. Jiao, X. Xiao, V. Pradhan, E.F. May

Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 70, p97 - 104

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Inclusion of connate water in enhanced gas recovery reservoir simulations

M.J. Patel, E.F. May, M.L. Johns

Energy 141, p757 - 769

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Quantitative dependence of CH4-CO2 dispersion on immobile water fraction

M. Zecca, S.J. Vogt, A. Honari, G. Xiao, E.O. Fridjonsson, E.F. May, M.L Johns

America Institute of Chemical Engineers 63 (11), p5159 - 5168

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Characterisation of a microwave re-entrant cavity resonator for phase-equilibrium measurements and new dew-point data for a (0.25 argon+ 0.75 carbon dioxide) mixture

G Tsankova, M Richter, A Madigan, P Stanwix, EF May, R Span

The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 101, p395 - 404

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High-fidelity reservoir simulations of enhanced gas recovery with supercritical CO2

Patel, EF May, ML Johns

Energy 111, p548 - 559

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Saturated Phase Densities of (CO2 + H2O) at temperatures from (293 to 450) K and pressures up to 64 MPa

E.C. Efika, R. Hoballah, X. Li, E.F. May, M. Nania, Y. Sanchez-Vicente, J.P.M. Trusler

The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 93, p347 - 359

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The impact of residual water on CH4-CO2 dispersion in consolidated rock cores

A Honari, M Zecca, SJ Vogt, S Iglauer, B Bijeljic, ML Johns, EF May

International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 50, p100 - 111

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Converting 3D rigid metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) to 2D flexible networks via ligand exchange for enhanced CO2/N2 and CH4/N2 separation

Y He, J Shang, Q Gu, G Li, J Li, R Singh, P Xiao, PA Webley

Chemical Communications 51, p14716 - 14719

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Gas–Gas Dispersion Coefficient Measurements Using Low-Field MRI

Honari, SJ Vogt, EF May, ML Johns

Transport in Porous Media 106, p21 - 35

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Simulating the capture of CO2 from natural gas: New data and improved models for methane+ carbon dioxide+ methanol

TJ Hughes, ME Kandil, BF Graham, EF May

International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 31, p121 - 127

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The role of water on postcombustion CO2 capture by vacuum swing adsorption: Bed layering and purge to feed ratio

G Li, P Xiao, J Zhang, PA Webley, D Xu

AIChE Journal 60, p673 - 689

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Using one waste to tackle another: Preparation of a CO2 capture material zeolite X from laterite residue and bauxite

L Liu, T Du, G Li, F Yang, S Che

Journal of hazardous materials 278, p551 - 558

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Effects of water vapour on CO2 capture with vacuum swing adsorption using activated carbon

D Xu, P Xiao, J Zhang, G Li, G Xiao, PA Webley, Y Zhai

Chemical Engineering Journal 230, p64 - 72

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Laboratory investigation of factors affecting CO2 enhanced oil and gas recovery

K Liu, B Clennell, A Honari, T Sayem, A Rashid, X Wei, A Saeedi

SPE Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference , p575 - 584

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CO2 sequestration for enhanced gas recovery: New measurements of supercritical CO2–CH4 dispersion in porous media and a review of recent research

TJ Hughes, A Honari, BF Graham, AS Chauhan, ML Johns, EF May

International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 9, p457 - 468

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Enhanced gas recovery by CO2 sequestration: Physical dispersion and mixing

A Honari, TJHughes, ML Johns, EF May

Chemeca 2012: Quality of life through chemical engineering, Wellington, New Zealand , p863



Using NMR displacement measurements to probe CO2 entrapment in porous media

R Hussain, TRR Pintelon, J Mitchell, ML Johns

AIChE Journal 57, p1700 - 1709

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