
Our equipment is world class and customised to meet specific research needs.  Equipment is located in more than 1000m2 of laboratory space located at the UWA campus in Crawley and the Australian Resources Research Centre in Bentley, Perth.

Lab Scale DR-Pressure Swing Adsorption System


The Dual Reflux Pressure Swing Adsorption (DR-PSA) system is a lab scale unit operation designed to test adsorption media and processes.  A key focus of recent research includes the separation of nitrogen from methane.  The custom designed system has two 50mm diameter and 1m long adsorption columns, precise instrumentation and a fully automated control system.  Product…

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Lab Scale Cryogenic Distillation Column

Scrub Column

At 50mm in diameter and 2m high the column replicates a key component of the LNG Plant. It allows validation of key process data to improve plant design and operation. The column has functionality to simulate Floating LNG plant conditions such as wave motion and tilt.  In conjunction with CSIRO and utilising existing CSIRO SynCat infrastructure…

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High Pressure Autoclaves

High Pressure Autoclaves More Info

Micro-Mechanical Force Apparatus


The Fluid Science & Resources group is in possession of the latest generation micromechanical force apparatus (MMF), one of only three in the world.

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CSIRO Hytra Flow Loop

Flow Loop

In collaboration with CSIRO we operate the CSIRO owned Hytra Flow Loop.  The one inch diameter, cooled, one-pass flow loop is designed to study the formation of gas hydrates in oil and gas pipelines.

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High Pressure Cryogenic DSC


Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is a versatile technique used to measure a number of thermo-physical properties, derived from the direct measurement of heat flow between a sample cell and reference cell inside a calorimetry block. The reference cell contains a material of well known heat capacity over the experimental temperature range. The DSC is designed…

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Renishaw inVia confocal Raman microscope


Raman spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique that can be used to understand the makeup of a material by analysing how light interacts with it.

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High Pressure Rheometer

High Pressure Rheometer

This Hybrid Rheometer can be used to determine the rheological properties of materials by analysing their stress / strain relationship.

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Interfacial Tension Apparatus


Interfacial tensiometry (IFT) is used to measure the interfacial tension between two phases; the IFT works by measuring the curvature of a droplet of one phase immersed in another phase.

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Magritek 1T

Magritek 1T thumb

This novel very compact benchtop NMR spectrometer provides chemical content analysis similar to high-field NMR spectrometers, and thus allows for the elucidation of molecular structure and quantification of chemical concentrations across a large range of samples.

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Earths Field NMR

Earths Field NMR More Info

Bruker Minispec

Bruker Minispec

This benchtop NMR system allows for the measurement of diffusion of fluids and the determination of droplet size distributions of emulsions.

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NMR Core Analysers

Rock Core Analyser

NMR core analysis has become commonplace with installation in almost every major oil producer and SCAL laboratory world-wide.

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Oxford GeoSpec

Oxford GeoSpec

Operating frequency: 12MHz Bore size: 53mm Measurement capability: MRI, diffusion and velocity, NMR relaxometry (e.g. T1, T2, T2-T2, T1-T2, D-T2).

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Magritek Rock Core Analyser

Magritek Rock Core Analyser thumb

Operating frequency: 2MHz Bore size: 55mm Measurement capability: NMR relaxometry (e.g. T1, T2, T2-T2, T1-T2).

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Core Flooding Apparatus

Core Flooding

This specialized core flooding apparatus is designed for dispersion measurements of supercritical CO2 in CH4 used as input parameters for Enhanced Gas Recovery (EGR) field scale simulations.

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Differential Scanning Calorimetry is a versatile technique used to measure a number of thermo-physical properties, derived from the direct measurement of heat flow between a sample cell and reference cell inside a calorimetry block.

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HRFD Cell thumb

The High-Resolution Fiber Dissociation cell is constructed from grade 316 stainless steel with dimensions of length 1.0 m and diameter 48.3 mm and is used to study hydrate plug formation and dissociation.

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SPD Cell

The Standard Pressure Dissociation (SPD) cell is capable of forming synthetic hydrate cores that are used to study hydrates in both the flow assurance and gas production space; providing insight into plug properties such as permeability and porosity while also allowing the study of hydrate gas exchange mechanisms.

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Eralytics ERACHECK

Eralytics ERACHECK thumb

This stand-alone compact analyser uses cutting edge quantum cascade laser – infrared (QCL-IR) technology and fully complies with Oil-in-Water standard ASTM D7678-11.

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Rubotherm Magnetic Suspension Balance


Densimeter with automatic dosing system

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Micromeritics ASAP 2020


Accelerated Surface Area and Porosimetry System

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